Beacon Violet Shades Impatiens
Impatiens walleriana. Beacon series offers long season flowering time as well as resistance to Downy Mildew. A great introduction to an old classic well-known versatile plant. Outstanding vibrant colours of violet, bright red, white, coral and a lovely mix with attractive green foliage. Height 10-12". Best grown in shade to partial sun. Approx. 20 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Start indoors 8-10 weeks before transplanting. Do not cover seed, just press lightly into soil. Appreciates bottom heat (24 degrees C), good air circulation and moist, but not soggy soil. Requires light and warm temperatures. Do not overwater as seedlings are susceptible to damping off. Plant outside about 2 weeks after last frost date. Space 4-6 inches apart.
Adapts to shady or partial sunny areas but must be watered faithfully in sunny areas.