Blight Resistant Tomato Collection

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A collection of 3 varieties that have very good resistance to late blight. Contains 3 pkgs, one each of Mountain Magic (Cherry), Mountain Gem (Slicing) and Sunrise Sauce (Paste) Tomatoes.

Mountain Magic: This large cherry tomato has exceptional sweet flavour, crack resistance and vigorous foliage. Matures in 70-80 days. Approx. 10 sds/pkg.

Mountain Gem: Mountain Gem produces glossy red, flattened globe, fruit with a great sugar to acid ratio averaging 1/2 lb. Mountain Gem is a determinate with high flavour quality. Matures in 75-80 days from transplant. Approx. 15 seeds/pkg.

Sunrise Sauce: This orange determinate hybrid variety offers high yields of 85-115g orange fruit that are easy to peel, sweet and meaty. Resistant to Fusarium wilt and Verticillium Wilt. Matures in 55-60 days from transplant Approx. 15 seeds/pkg.

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