Jiffy Pots
Achieve earlier maturity and heavier yields! A pot wall of compressed peat is a nearly perfect environment for root development. Since Jiffy pots are planted 'pot and all' there should be no transplanting set-back when plants are set in the garden. This results in shorter production time, earlier maturity and heavier yield. Jiffy pots are also very convenient and easy to handle. Pots are available in round or square, from 2¼ inches to 3½ inches in diameter. Jiffy Pots are OMRI listed making them perfectly suitable for certified organic growers.
85200-Case contains 2816 pots. 85220-Case contains 2560 pots. 85230-Case contains 1404 pots. 85240-Case contains 1260 pots. 85250-Case contains 800 pots.

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