Mixed Daffodil Half Basket


Narcissus. Veseys custom blend of Daffodils for naturalizing. Including many different flower shapes and forms, in a vast array of favourite dafffodil colours and bi-colours. Whether you're naturalizing a large area, or you simply want to have plenty of cheery daffodils to spread all over your property, Veseys half & full baskets are an affordable and easy solution. Daffodils will return year after year with little or no maintenance and will multiply. 360 bulbs in a basket. Height 16-20". Bulb size: 12-14cm in circ.
Approx. 180 bulbs/half basket.

Fall Planting: This product will ship September-October according to your hardiness zone.

Scroll down for more details and growing information.

Sold as: Pkg of 1

Shipment Information
Fall Planting: This product will ship September-October according to your hardiness zone.
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Fall Planting