Red Ace Beet
More uniform Detroit type. This outstanding, fast growing, sweet flavoured hybrid has smooth, medium sized roots of even red colour. The short, erect tops are bright, shiny green and free from red discolouration. 3" diameter. Excellent disease tolerance and uniform early maturity. Heavy yields. Maturity in 50-55 days. Sized seed. Approx. 500 seeds/pkg.

Growing Information
Sow seeds thinly 1⁄2-1 inch deep, in rows spaced 8-12 inches apart. Soil temperature should be 18-24 degrees C for optimal germination. Thin seedlings1 inch apart for greens and 3 inches apart for summer use of roots. Plant every two weeks, starting as early as soil can be worked until late June.
Choose a full sun location. Beets require a light, well-drained, cool soil with pH between 6.5 and 6.8. Compost or well-rotted manure along with pure wood ashes, as a supply of additional potassium, should be mixed well into the soil prior to planting. Applying Boron after 4-6 weeks of growth will prevent internal browning, particularly in dry seasons. Keep well-watered as drought will result in tough or woody roots.
Young and tender beet leaves can be used as greens. Dig or pull roots when 2-3 inches in diameter or desired size.
Pests & Diseases:
Generally beets are bug free with the possible exception of the Spinach Leaf Miner. Control leaf spots (Cercospora) with a sulfur or copper fungicide at the recommended rates.
Bush bean, cabbage family, corn, leek, lettuce, onion, radish.
Sowing Rate:
Approximately 350-600 seeds/package will plant 25-30 foot row. 2000 seeds/25g, 4-5kg/acre.