Veseys Statement Regarding COVID-19

Due to increased demand and Iimited resources, please realize that your seed order may take 2-4 weeks to ship.

To our Commercial Growers, we are making every attempt to meet your seed and delivery requirements to ensure our food security this summer. If we run out of a variety due to high demand this year, we will substitute with a similar variety. If you do not wish to have any substitutes, please indicate when placing your order.

Spring Bulbs, Fruits and Berries will be shipping at their regular time and are shipped based on weather and customers' hardiness zones, generally towards the end of the month and into May.

We thank all our customers for your patience during these unusual times.

And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
-Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Sensitive Plant

Vesey's Seeds Ltd. considers the health and safety of all employees and customers as our top priority when making management decisions concerning our working environment and the security of products and packaging.

Online shopping is perhaps the most preventative measure Canadians can make during this time of self-isolation and reduced public contact. Having spoken with our main delivery provider (Canada Post), their response has been as follows:

When it comes to items in the mail, we can advise that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) continue to state that there is a very low risk regarding incoming mail items. We are in constant contact with our international partners and are continuing to safely accept international items.

We continue to receive and ship orders on a daily basis from our headquarters in York, Prince Edward Island and as always, we welcome your calls or emails concerning any aspect of our business and/or the precautionary steps we have implemented to safeguard your health and security.

B.E. (Bev) Simpson,