Sunflower Bouquet Collection


Helianthus annuus. Perfect for bouquets or centerpieces! Direct seed outdoors after danger of frost. Sunflowers require full sun, well-drained soil.

This collection contains 3 seed pkgs, 1 each of Firecracker, Velvet Queen, and Dwarf Pacino Mix.

Firecracker: Rich mahogany petals accented with amber yellow tips and a dark chocolate disc. Flowers have a 4-5 inch diameter with a branching habit that is ideal for cut flowers. Extra early flowers in 50 days. Height 2-3 feet.

Velvet Queen: Dark, velvety, crimson blooms are accented with traces of yellow around a black center. Foliage is distinct and attractive and the plants are free branching, bearing lots of 5-6 inch blooms that are lovely for cutting. Plants are tall, over 5 feet in height.

Dwarf Pacino: An abundance of 5" flowers on dwarf bushy, well branched plants. Mix of Gold, Cola and Lemon Pacino sunflowers. Fun and easy to grow. Height 12-16".

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