Very Berry Hollyhock
Alcea rosea. The two shades of colour mixed in this variety is what gives away the perfect name of this 1st year flowering perennial. Stunning maroon and soft pink blends of fully double 4-5"" flowers rise above foliage on a 48"" strong and sturdy stem. Excellent choice as a backdrop for any flower garden and when picked as a cut flower. Approx. 20 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Start inside in peat pots, 6-8 weeks before planting out. Do not cover seed, provide light and average temperatures (65-21 degrees C). Easy to germinate in 10-14 days. May also be direct seeded after last frost or in early fall for blooms the next year. Transplant after last frost into full sun or light shade, 18-24 inches apart.
Pinch out the growing tip immediately after transplanting to produce stocky, stronger plants. Prefers rich, moist soil. Provide excellent air circulation, may need to be staked. Cut back after first bloom to encourage reblooming. Do not move established plants. May be short lived, but hollyhocks self-seed dependably.