Jumbo Fava Bean
Versatile. Jumbo forms large pods filled with 3-5 plump beans that can be used for freezing, fresh shelled or dried. Plants are robust and should be planted early in cool conditions. Maturity in 70-80 days. Untreated seed only.
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Growing Information
Broad and Fava beans can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked. They prefer a moist, cool soil for growing and will tolerate light frosts. Sow 1-2 inches deep and 6 inches apart in rows 24-36 inches apart. If using untreated seed, plant heavier and when sprouted, thin to desired density.
These beans are light feeders, requiring a well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-6.8. A one-time application of compost or well-rotted manure will be sufficient. Pinching back the top of the plant when the first pods begin to form will provide a higher and more uniform yield. Large plants require support; hill soil up around the base of the plant as it grows.
Pick beans when pods appear plump.