Matrix Jewel Mix Pansy
Viola x wittrockiana. The large-flowered Matrix series is impressive with a vast colour selection and a no-stretch habit that keeps them looking fabulous all summer, especially during the cool season. The unmatched colour is great for pots or as a punch of colour in your landscape. Grows 8” tall x 8-10” wide. Usually grown as annuals but pansies are so hardy that they will often over-winter depending on conditions. Ideal for growing in locations with short, cool seasons or for adding that splash of colour when other annuals haven’t fully opened. Low maintenance and non-stop blooming all summer long.Sow seed 8 weeks before last frost date. Prefers sun to part shade. Approx. 20 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Start inside 8 weeks before planting out. Lightly cover seed, provide total darkness and normal room temperatures. Should germinate in 10-20 days. May also be direct seeded into the garden in early spring or early autumn. Transplant outside in early spring into a part shade location.
Only plant in full sun in areas with cool summers. Very frost tolerant and prefers cool, moist conditions. Provide rich, moist well-drained soil. A mulch is often helpful. Deadhead regularly to ensure that plants bloom all season. Self-seeds.