Revolution Mix Gerbera Daisy
Gerbera jameonii. Truly revolutionary, these daises have high vigour when germinating, are very early flowering, and easy to grow. Pretty as a picture, the vivid array of colours create an elegant display that will compliment any arrangement in your garden. Elegant plants produce colourful long-lived daisy flowers that are cherished by florists. Start inside 12 weeks before planting out. Grows 12-16” high. Approx. 10 seeds/pkg.
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Growing Information
Start inside 12 weeks before planting out. Press seed into surface of potting mix, do not cover. Always use fresh seed, provide bottom heat of 21-24 degrees C and light. Should germinate in 15-30 days. Can be difficult and erratic. Transplant outside 1 week after last frost, into full sun or part shade location, 12 inches apart.
Provide shade if summers are very hot. Prefers a rich, moist, fertile, slightly acidic soil. Water and deadhead regularly. May be grown inside as a houseplant.