Uproar Rose Zinnia
Zinnia elegans. Electrifying and brilliant eye-catching magenta rose blossom with a perfectly rounded yellow crown will attract all visitors to your garden especially the ones with wings. Not only does it have amazing colour, but it is also a cut and come again flower that is ideal in any fresh bouquet Each 4-5” flower is just as perfect as the next one on 30-36" stems. Approx. 10 seeds/pkg.
Scroll down for more details and growing information.

Growing Information
Zinnias are usually direct seeded after last frost. Or start inside 6 weeks before last frost. Lightly cover and provide warmth (21-26 degrees C). Germinates in 5-10 days. Transplant after last frost into a full sun location, 6-12 inches apart.
Pinch out the growing tip to encourage branching. Water, fertilize, and deadhead regularly. Susceptible to mildew.